VintaSoft Twain .NET SDK 14.1: Руководство для .NET разработчика
В этом разделе
    Обнаружение конца выполнения пакетного задания при TWAIN сканировании
    В этом разделе
    Вот C#/VB.NET код, который демонстрирует, как обнаружить разделители пакетного задания во время TWAIN сканирования:

    static bool _isScanningFinished;
    /// <summary>
    /// Job counter.
    /// </summary>
    static int _jobCounter = -1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Asynchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and detects end of batch job.
    /// </summary>
    public static void AsynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndDetectEndOfBatchJob()
        _isScanningFinished = false;
        // create the device manager
        using (Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager deviceManager = new Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager())
            deviceManager.IsTwain2Compatible = true;
            // open the device manager
            // get the device
            Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice;
            if (device == null)
            // subscribe to the device events
            device.ImageAcquired += new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs>(device_ImageAcquired);
            device.ScanCanceled += new System.EventHandler(device_ScanCanceled);
            device.ScanFailed += new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs>(device_ScanFailed);
            device.ScanFinished += new System.EventHandler(device_ScanFinished);
            // set scanning settings
            device.TransferMode = Vintasoft.Twain.TransferMode.Memory;
            device.ShowUI = true;
            // open the device
            // specify that job separator must be searched and scanned
            device.JobControl = Vintasoft.Twain.JobControl.DetectAndIncludeJobSeparatorAndContinueScanning;
            // increment job count
            _jobCounter = _jobCounter + 1;
            // acquire images asynchronously
            // wait while feeder will be stopped
            while (!_isScanningFinished)
    /// <summary>
    /// Image is acquired.
    /// </summary>
    private static void device_ImageAcquired(object sender, Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs e)
        Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = (Vintasoft.Twain.Device)sender;
        // if job separator is detected
        if (device.EndOfJob)
            // increment job count and do not save the job separator image
            _jobCounter = _jobCounter + 1;
        // if job separator is NOT detected
            // add image to the multipage TIFF file for current job
            e.Image.Save(string.Format(@"d:\job{0}.tif", _jobCounter));
        // dispose the acquired image
    /// <summary>
    /// Scan is canceled.
    /// </summary>
    private static void device_ScanCanceled(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is canceled.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Scan is failed.
    /// </summary>
    private static void device_ScanFailed(object sender, Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs e)
        System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Scan is failed: {0}.", e.ErrorString));
    /// <summary>
    /// Scan is finished.
    /// </summary>
    private static void device_ScanFinished(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        Vintasoft.Twain.Device device = (Vintasoft.Twain.Device)sender;
        // unsubscribe from device events
        device.ImageAcquired -= new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs>(device_ImageAcquired);
        device.ScanCanceled -= new System.EventHandler(device_ScanCanceled);
        device.ScanFailed -= new System.EventHandler<Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs>(device_ScanFailed);
        device.ScanFinished -= new System.EventHandler(device_ScanFinished);
        // if device is not closed
        if (device.State != Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceState.Closed)
            // close the device
        System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is finished.");
        _isScanningFinished = true;
    Shared _isScanningFinished As Boolean
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Job counter.
    ''' </summary>
    Shared _jobCounter As Integer = -1
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Asynchronously acquires images from TWAIN device and detects end of batch job.
    ''' </summary>
    Public Shared Sub AsynchronouslyAcquireImageFromTwainDeviceAndDetectEndOfBatchJob()
            _isScanningFinished = False
            ' create the device manager
            Using deviceManager As New Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceManager()
                    deviceManager.IsTwain2Compatible = True
                    ' open the device manager
                    ' get the device
                    Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = deviceManager.DefaultDevice
                    If device Is Nothing Then
                    End If
                    ' subscribe to the device events
                    AddHandler device.ImageAcquired, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ImageAcquired)
                    AddHandler device.ScanCanceled, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanCanceled)
                    AddHandler device.ScanFailed, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ScanFailed)
                    AddHandler device.ScanFinished, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanFinished)
                    ' set scanning settings
                    device.TransferMode = Vintasoft.Twain.TransferMode.Memory
                    device.ShowUI = True
                    ' open the device
                    ' specify that job separator must be searched and scanned
                    device.JobControl = Vintasoft.Twain.JobControl.DetectAndIncludeJobSeparatorAndContinueScanning
                    ' increment job count
                    _jobCounter = _jobCounter + 1
                    ' acquire images asynchronously
                    ' wait while feeder will be stopped
                    While Not _isScanningFinished
                    End While
            End Using
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Image is acquired.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Sub device_ImageAcquired(sender As Object, e As Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)
            Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = DirectCast(sender, Vintasoft.Twain.Device)
            ' if job separator is detected
            If device.EndOfJob Then
                    ' increment job count and do not save the job separator image
                    _jobCounter = _jobCounter + 1
                    ' if job separator is NOT detected
                    ' add image to the multipage TIFF file for current job
                    e.Image.Save(String.Format("d:\job{0}.tif", _jobCounter))
            End If
            ' dispose the acquired image
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Scan is canceled.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Sub device_ScanCanceled(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is canceled.")
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Scan is failed.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Sub device_ScanFailed(sender As Object, e As Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs)
            System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Scan is failed: {0}.", e.ErrorString))
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Scan is finished.
    ''' </summary>
    Private Shared Sub device_ScanFinished(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
            Dim device As Vintasoft.Twain.Device = DirectCast(sender, Vintasoft.Twain.Device)
            ' unsubscribe from device events
            RemoveHandler device.ImageAcquired, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ImageAcquiredEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ImageAcquired)
            RemoveHandler device.ScanCanceled, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanCanceled)
            RemoveHandler device.ScanFailed, New System.EventHandler(Of Vintasoft.Twain.ScanFailedEventArgs)(AddressOf device_ScanFailed)
            RemoveHandler device.ScanFinished, New System.EventHandler(AddressOf device_ScanFinished)
            ' if device is not closed
            If device.State <> Vintasoft.Twain.DeviceState.Closed Then
                    ' close the device
            End If
            System.Console.WriteLine("Scan is finished.")
            _isScanningFinished = True
    End Sub